Helpful and Inspiring Links
This is Steve Hassan’s web site, author and cult expert, where you can find a literal wealth of information about cults, mind control and exit strategies. This is a great place to begin finding out what happened to you and why.
Bible teacher Chip Brogden’s web site, a great source for spiritual truths. “Christ-centered teaching for Christ-centered living” is their slogan, and they deliver the goods.
This is Sam Soleyn’s web site. I have known Sam for a number of years. I believe he is truly a modern-day apostle, as one who establishes order in the Body of Christ. His teachings, on his site available free of charge, are some of the most cerebral and thought provoking I’ve ever heard. Definitely worth checking out.
The web site for Jeff Van Vonderen, co-author of The Subtle Power of Spirtual Abuse
and five other books. He is also an interventionist, and can be seen on A&E’s award winning TV program Intervention. Perhaps you have a loved one who needs help. Jeff may be the one you can reach out to.
Wayne Jacobsen is an author, public speaker, book publisher, and former pastor. His extensive writings have served as a wonderful source of devotions and study, definitely stretching my boundaries. I trust they will for you, too.
Pastor and Bible teacher Joel Osteen’s site. Controversial? Perhaps. Inspirational? Always!
This is author and public speaker Darin Hufford’s site and blog. If this guy can’t “tip over sacred cows” and challenge your paradigms, no one can. Highly recommended.
Dr. Phillip McGraw is another controversial figure, but I know beyond a doubt this is not merely “entertainment.” In his books and the resources on this site, he provides a lot of wisdom for “getting on” with your life and developing the strategies to reach your goals. Check him out with an open mind.
“There is no greater abuse of trust than those who use the illusion of spiritual leadership to manipulate people. J. Michael Wittman points a powerful and incisive light into this dark underbelly of our religious landscape, and offers hope and healing to its victims.”
– Wayne Jacobsen • Collaborator & Publisher of the New York Times Bestseller The Shack

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